University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
Institute of Computational Biology

CSS elements in PatternSkin

This page is a reference for all CSS classes used in PatternSkin.

PatternSkin uses 4 stylesheets:
  • layout.css: positioning of block elements on the page
  • style.css: margins, paddings, borders, font sizes
  • colors.css: text colors, background colors, border colors
  • print.css: optimalizations for printed page

If you want to learn how to create your own look or skin based on PatternSkin, read further in PatternSkin.

Naming conventions

  • All PatternSkin specific classes have the prefix pattern: patternEditPage, patternTopicAction, etcetera.
  • Foswiki specific classes (emitted by the Foswiki engine) have the prefix foswiki: foswikiButton, foswikiToc, etcetera. See AppendixCascadingStyleSheets for a complete list.
  • Positional containers are referred by id, for instance #patternSideBar.


PatternSkin uses namespaces for templates, by adding one (sometimes two - multiple) class names to the template's body tag.

  • The body tag in view.pattern.tmpl for instance has the class name "patternViewPage": <body class="patternViewPage">. All CSS elements specific to the view template thus can be defined as .patternViewPage .someClassName.
  • All templates that are not the view template have the body class name "patternNoViewPage". That makes it easy to give all of these pages a different layout (smaller or wider margins for instance) in one sweep. Template edit.pattern.tmpl uses <body class="patternNoViewPage patternEditPage">.

Page type classes

  • .patternViewPage
  • .patternViewPage .patternPrintPage
  • .patternNoViewPage
  • .patternNoViewPage .patternEditPage
  • .patternNoViewPage .patternAttachPage
  • .patternNoViewPage .patternChangeFormPage
  • .patternNoViewPage .patternDiffPage
  • .patternNoViewPage .patternRenamePage
  • .patternSearchResultsPage
  • .patternPlainPage (viewplain.pattern.tmpl)

Layout classes

  • Main layout elements (in order of appearance in body.pattern.tmpl)
    • #patternScreen - outer container, used when centering the page (see PatternSkinCssCookbookCenterPage)
    • #patternPageShadow - shadow border around patternPage; default not used (see PatternSkinCssCookbookCenterPageBorder)
    • #patternPage - html content container
    • Left bar:
      • #patternWrapper
      • #patternSideBar - left bar area
      • #patternSideBarContents - used for left menu
    • #patternOuter - wrapper container
    • #patternFloatWrap - wrapper container
    • #patternMain - center area
    • #patternMainContents - holder of patternTop, foswikiTopic, foswikiForm, foswikiAttachments, etc.
    • #patternTopBar - top bar area
    • #patternTopBarContents - header art / logo; contains topic WebTopBar
    • #patternBottomBar - bottom bar area
    • #patternBottomBarContents - copyright

Style classes

  • View
    • .patternContent - container around .foswikiTopic in view.pattern.tmpl only; to be able to give .foswikiAttachments and .foswikiForm a different appearance when they are not enclosed by it, for example the personal data form on the user pages (where the user form is positioned outside, above the topic text)
    • .patternTopBarLogo - logo position in patternTopBar (topic WebTopBar)
    • .patternTopBarOverlay - striped white image background
    • .foswikiTopic - Foswiki topic text
    • .patternTop - area at top of topic text, with patternHomePath, revision and action buttons
    • .patternTopicActions - container for multiple .patternTopicAction rows
    • .patternTopicAction - container for .patternActionButtons
    • .patternActionButtons - action buttons at bottom of page
    • .patternMoved - topic moved info (only visible when the topic has changed name or web)
    • .patternWebIndicator - colored block at the top of the left bar to indicate the current web
    • .patternFormHolder - container around form to manage the size of form elements
    • .patternLeftBarPersonal - block of personal links (included topic %USERSWEB%.%USERNAME%LeftBar)
    • .patternHomePath - breadcrumb at top
    • .patternHomePathTitle - "You are here" text
    • .patternRevInfo - revision info and author name
    • .patternToolBar - holder for .patternToolBarButtons
    • .patternToolBarButtons - action buttons at top of page
    • .patternToolBarBottom - seperator
    • .patternSimpleLogo - logo used on 'simple' pages like the login screen
    • .patternButton - tab button Edit, Attach, Printable at top of topic
    • .patternMetaMenu - search box, jump box, language selector

  • Edit
    • .patternSig - signature copy box
    • .patternSaveOptions - holder for .patternSaveOptionsContents
    • .patternSaveOptionsContents - checkboxes that change the state of a topic save; for instance "Force revision" checkbox
    • .patternSaveHelp - info block with help on save options (access keys and potentially other info)

  • Preview page
    • .patternPreviewArea - container around preview of .foswikiTopic

  • Attach page
    • .patternPrevious - attachment table of previous versions
    • .patternMoveAttachment - container for "Move or Delete attachment"
    • .patternAttachForm

  • Rename (rename, move, delete)
    • patternRenameOptionsList - list of topics that can be updated

  • More
    • patternDiffOptions - row of revision options under "Compare revisions"

  • Search results
    • .patternSearchResults - container on rename pages (no longer used on actual search results 'view' pages)
    • .patternSearchResultsHeader - horizontal bar with the web color
    • .patternSearchResults - block of one result
    • .patternSearchResultCount - the number of results
    • .patternSearched - feedback on the string used to search

Related Topics: Skins, AdminDocumentationCategory
Topic revision: r1 - 2023-08-06, UnknownUser
2024-10-05 - 11:17 Foswiki v2.1.8