University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
Institute of Computational Biology

Templates for CommentPlugin

See CommentPlugin: Customisation for help.

While this topic can be viewed as a topic, it is used by the CommentPlugin as a template file. The syntax is the same as used for the templates used for presentation in skins - see SkinTemplates. The important content in here is in the verbatim blocks. The rest of the topic is just comments.

hand See CommentPluginExamples to view rendered templates


Put your local templates into UserCommentsTemplate (create if it does not exist yet). Local templates defined in that topic will override templates defined below.

CommentPlugin can work in two modes, refresh and ajax. In refresh mode, the entire topic is refreshed whenever a comment is added. This is rather slow, but gives the most accurate results. In ajax mode, insertion of comments is handled by Javascript in the browser, but what the user sees after adding a comment is not necessarily identical to what they will see when the topic is refreshed.

The templates below all use ajax mode for best performance by default. The plugin will fall back to refresh mode if Javascript is not available (e.g. it is enabled in your user's browsers).

If you want to disable ajax completely, then override the following template
setting it to empty.

Template definitions

ALERT! Note that the use of URLPARAM in the templates should be done in a way that prevents Cross Site Scripting attacks. The safest is to let URLPARAM encode the unsafe characters (default) but this prevents the user from entering Foswiki macros in the comment input fields. It is however safe to use encode="off" when the following rules are observed.
  • The encode="off" option for URLPARAM is only used in this topic within verbatim tags to prevent this topic from being an XSS attack vector.
  • The encode="off" option is only used in OUTPUT defs and never in the PROMPT.
  • The encode="off" should never be used for guest comments. The comment plugin will expand the $encodeguest token to "off" for logged in users and "entity" for guests.

Templates used in rest of file

Generic prompt box used by other templates
%TMPL:DEF{promptbox}%<div class="commentPlugin commentPluginPromptBox"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="middle"><td><textarea %DISABLED% rows="%rows|3%" cols="%cols|70%" name="comment" class="foswikiInputField commentPluginPromptBox" title="%MESSAGE%">%MESSAGE%</textarea></td><td>&nbsp;<input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="%button|Add comment%" class="foswikiButton %TMPL:P{ajax}%" /></td></tr></table></div><!--/commentPlugin-->%TMPL:END%

Short comment, signed and dated
%TMPL:DEF{outputoneliner}%   * %URLPARAM{"comment" encode="$encodeguest"}% -- %WIKIUSERNAME% - %GMTIME{"$day $month $year"}%%TMPL:END%

hand See rendered template Default

User templates


Comments, signed and dated, added at top of file


hand See rendered template top


Comments, signed and dated, added at end of file

hand See rendered template bottom


Comments, signed and dated, added immediately before anchor

hand See rendered template above


Bullet item added immediately before anchor. The input field width is passed with parameter inputsize, for example:

%COMMENT{type="bulletabove" inputsize="20"}%

%TMPL:DEF{PROMPT:bulletabove}%<input class="foswikiInputField" name="bullet_above_item" id="bullet_above_item" type="text" size="%inputsize|40%" value="%URLPARAM{"bullet_above_item"}%" />&nbsp;<input %DISABLED% type="button" value="%button|Add item%" class="foswikiButton %TMPL:P{ajax}%" />%TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:bulletabove}%   * %URLPARAM{"bullet_above_item" encode="$encodeguest"}%%POS:BEFORE%

hand See rendered template bulletabove


Wiki thread mode comment, signed and dated

%URLPARAM{"comment" encode="$encodeguest"}%


hand See rendered template threadmode


Comments, signed and dated, added recurse after comment box.


%URLPARAM{"comment" encode="$encodeguest"}%


hand See rendered template belowthreadmode


Comments, signed and dated, added immediately below anchor

hand See rendered template below


Comments, signed and dated, added at top of table below the anchor/location/COMMENT
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:tableprepend}%%POS:AFTER%| %URLPARAM{"comment" newline="<br />" encode="$encodeguest"}% | %WIKIUSERNAME% | %SERVERTIME% |

hand See rendered template tableprepend


Comments, signed and dated, added at end of table above the anchor/location/COMMENT
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:tableappend}%%POS:BEFORE%| %URLPARAM{"comment" newline="<br />" encode="$encodeguest"}% | %WIKIUSERNAME% | %SERVERTIME% |

hand See rendered template tableappend

after: Add before the comment box, after the last comment


hand See rendered template after


Action added to action table directly above comment box (requires Foswiki:Extensions/ActionTrackerPlugin)

%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="action_who">Action for</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" name="action_who" id="action_who" type="text" size="50" value="%URLPARAM{"who"}%" /> |
| <label for="action_due">Due date</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" name="action_due" id="action_due" type="text" size="30" value="%URLPARAM{"due"}%" /> |
|    <label for="action_comment">Comment</label>| <textarea %DISABLED% rows="%rows|3%" cols="%cols|50%" name="action_comment" id="action_comment" class="foswikiInputField commentPluginPromptBox" onfocus="if(this.value=='%MESSAGE%')this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='%MESSAGE%'">%MESSAGE%</textarea> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="button" class="foswikiButton %TMPL:P{ajax}%" value="Add action" /> |
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:action}%%POS:BEFORE%%AC%NOP%TION{who="%URLPARAM{"action_who" encode="$encodeguest"}%" due="%URLPARAM{"action_due" encode="$encodeguest"}%"}% %URLPARAM{"action_comment" encode="$encodeguest"}%<br />- Created by %WIKIUSERNAME%, %SERVERTIME%%ENDACTION%

hand See rendered template action


Tablerows adding on end
%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="comment_date">Date</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_date" id="comment_date" /> |
|        <label for="comment_city">City</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_city" id="comment_city" value="" /> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="button" class="foswikiButton %TMPL:P{ajax}%" value="%button|Add entry%" /> |
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:table}%%POS:BEFORE%| %URLPARAM{"comment_date" encode="$encodeguest"}% | %WIKIUSERNAME% | %URLPARAM{"comment_city" encode="$encodeguest"}% |

hand See rendered template table


Talk using TOC adding on end
%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="comment_summary">Summary</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_summary" id="comment_summary" /> |
|        <label for="toctalk_comment_text">Message</label>| <textarea %DISABLED% rows="%rows|3%" cols="%cols|50%" name="toctalk_comment_text" id="toctalk_comment_text" class="foswikiInputField commentPluginPromptBox" onfocus="if(this.value=='%MESSAGE%')this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='%MESSAGE%'">%MESSAGE%</textarea> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="button" value="%button|Add%" class="foswikiButton %TMPL:P{ajax}%" /> |
%POS:BEFORE%---++++ %SERVERTIME% %WIKIUSERNAME%: %URLPARAM{"comment_summary" encode="$encodeguest"}%
%POS:BEFORE%%URLPARAM{"toctalk_comment_text" encode="$encodeguest"}%

hand See rendered template toctalk


Create a list of annotated bookmarks
%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="comment_url">Url</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_url" id="comment_url" value="http://" /> |
| <label for="comment_link">Link label</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_link" id="comment_link" /> |
|    <label for="bookmark_comment_text">Comment</label>| <input class="foswikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="bookmark_comment_text" id="bookmark_comment_text" value="%MESSAGE%" /> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="button" value="%button|Add bookmark%" class="foswikiButton %TMPL:P{ajax}%" /> |
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:bookmark}%%POS:BEFORE%   * [[%URLPARAM{"comment_url" encode="entity"}%][%URLPARAM{"comment_link" encode="entity"}%]] %IF{" '%URLPARAM{"bookmark_comment_text" encode="entity"}%' = '' " then="" else="- "}%%URLPARAM{"bookmark_comment_text" encode="entity"}%

hand See rendered template bookmark


Post to a different topic and return to here. The comment target is set in the PROMPT. In the form below the redirectto is set to the current (including) topic.

<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" />

hand See rendered template return

Include UserComments

Including UserCommentsTemplate ("Template" gets automatically appended to the name):

Topic revision: r1 - 2023-08-06, UnknownUser
2024-10-05 - 11:27 Foswiki v2.1.8