University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
Institute of Computational Biology


See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Parent package: Foswiki
Child packages:

public package Foswiki::Plugins

This module defines the singleton object that handles Plugins loading, initialization and execution.

This class uses Chain of Responsibility (GOF) pattern to dispatch handler calls to registered plugins.


This is the version number of the plugins package. Use it for checking if you have a recent enough version.


This is a reference to the Foswiki session object. It can be used in plugins to get at the methods of the Foswiki kernel.

You are highly recommended to only use the methods in the Foswiki::Func interface, unless you have no other choice, as kernel methods may change between Foswiki releases.

ClassMethod new( $session )

Construct new singleton plugins collection object. The object is a container for a list of plugins and the handlers registered by the plugins. The plugins and the handlers are carefully ordered.

ObjectMethod finish()

Break circular references.

ObjectMethod preload() → $loginName

Find all active plugins, load the code and and invoke the preload handler

ObjectMethod load($allDisabled) → $loginName

Find all active plugins, and invoke the early initialisation. Has to be done after prefs are read.

Returns the user returned by the last initializeUserHandler to be called.

If allDisabled is set, no plugin handlers will be called.

ObjectMethod settings()

Push plugin settings onto preference stack

ObjectMethod enable()

Initialisation that is done after the user is known.

ObjectMethod getPluginVersion() → $number

Returns the $Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION number if no parameter is specified, else returns the version number of a named Plugin. If the Plugin cannot be found or is not active, 0 is returned.

ObjectMethod addListener( $command, $handler )

  • $command - name of the event
  • $handler - the handler object.

Add a listener to the end of the list of registered listeners for this event. The listener must implement invoke($command,...), which will be triggered when the event is to be processed.

ObjectMethod dispatch( $handlerName, ...)

Dispatch the given handler, passing on ... in the parameter vector

ObjectMethod haveHandlerFor( $handlerName ) → $boolean

  • $handlerName - name of the handler e.g. preRenderingHandler
Return: true if at least one plugin has registered a handler of this type.

Topic revision: r1 - 2023-08-06, UnknownUser
2024-10-05 - 13:18 Foswiki v2.1.8